The rise of insurtech has given way to a radical shift in the insurance industry. So, when it comes to education and staying on top of the insurtech world, conferences are the best way to learn.
As the industry has evolved, it’s become more important than ever to attend industry events. However, there are a ton of insurtech conferences across the country. Some only bring in 100 people, some bring in thousands. So, knowing which insurtech event to attend is a key not only to continuing education, but also expanding your professional networking and development but also staying on top of new innovations.
At T Palmer Agency, we help our clients who include industry professionals, insurance companies and insurance executives map out their annual conference plan. We’ve been there, done that, and know where insurtech leaders head to gain access to the greatest minds and latest technology.
Today, we’re sharing that with you.
When you attend these top insurtech conferences, you’re guaranteed to make new connections and mingle with decision makers. You’ll also learn about new insurtech solutions, and listen to speakers covering a range of topics. You’ll walk away with a head filled with industry insights and a competitive advantage.
The 10 best insurtech conferences for 2024
Insurtech NY

March 20 – 21, 2024 | NYC | # of attendees: 1K+ | Type of attendees: insurers, insurtechs, investors | Speakers | # of speakers: 85+ | Cost: $1136 – $2311
If you’re in NYC in March and in the insurance sector, then this is where you need to be. The annual event unites insurance professionals, InsurTechs, leaders, founders, investors and solutions providers supporting the community. Insurtech NY focuses on property and casualty, and life and health. In addition, the event also features the largest InsurTech Competition on the East Coast. Ten of the top startups pitch their innovative solutions to investors.

Topics for 2024 include a large focus on artificial intelligence, driving digital growth, claims and analytics and more. Speakers are thought leaders in both property and casualty, and life and heath. This event is one of our top event picks when it comes to the industry, and for good reason: it brings together all of the people you want to meet, connect with and learn from in one incredible event.
Insurtech Hartford Symposium

April 17 – 18, 2024 | Hartford, CT | # of attendees: 1K+ | Type of attendees: insurance innovators | Speakers | # of speakers: 50+ | Cost: $1395 – $2795
InsurTech Hartford is a pioneering organization and dedicated to the advancement of insurance innovation. The Symposium has garnered a reputation over the years for its gathering bringing together some of the most influential people in the industry. The annual symposium offers a platform for insurance executives, thought leaders and innovators to come together. Attendees share ideas designed to shape the future of the industry.

Topics at this year’s event include pricing and underwriting tools, parametric insurance, smart buildings, risk assessment, ChatGPT and AI, cyber security, climate change, wearables and more. This is one of our top conferences because of the quality of people it brings together under one very smart roof.
WSIA Insurtech Coinference

April 7 – 10, 2024 | Austin, TX | # of attendees: 400+ | Type of attendees: technologists, underwriters, brokers, managers, executives | Cost: details online
The WSIA Insurtech Conference provides sessions which provide insights on industry disruption, as well as transformation opportunities. At the conference, attendees learn about developing digital strategies including AI, data analytics and other solutions. these are geared to expand markets, collaborate, streamling the distribution chain and enhance customer experience.

We suggest this conference to our insurtech clients because it’s an excellent opportuntiy to learn more and share ideas with professionals who attend.

May 5 – 8, 2024 | San Diego, CA | # of attendees: 10K+ | Type of attendees: risk managers, C-level, treasurers, finance directors, operations executives + | Speakers | # of speakers: 200+ | Cost: $110 – $2105
Risk World is an immersive experience designed to build skills, gain knowledge and make companies resilient to risk. It’s a great place to meet other risk professionals spanning diverse industries and learn more about risk management’s outlook. In addition, it allows you to build community with international risk leaders and experts. Here, you’ll work together to solve challenges, exchange ideas and prepare for risks. There’s even an inclusive marketplace with a focus on solutions and tech to help companies navigate the evolving risk landscape and safeguard assets.

When it comes to educational sessions, they focus on topics like enterprise risk management, risk appetite management, alternate risk financing and more. Plus — for all you pickleball lovers — they have a pickleball social. Aside from the pickleball, we love this insurance event because it covers everything risk and showcases industry leaders.
TMPAA Mid Year

May 13 – 15, 2024 | Tampa, FL | # of attendees: 1000+ | Types of attendees: insurance company leaders and boards of directors, future industry leaders, vendors and service providers in property/casualty | Speakers | # of speakers: 3 | Cost: TBD
Target Markets Program Administrators Association has two events – a mid-year conference and its annual summit in Scottsdale, AZ. The Mid-Year Meeting unites speakers, high-level networking with agency, carrier and service provider members and educational workshops. Here, members get access to more than 80 program carriers (including London markets), premier service providers, reinsurance support, program development and distribution resources, as well as networking with more than 1,000 business professionals.

If you’re a member of TMPAA, this event is a must.
Reuters Future of Insurance

May 15 – 16, 2024 | Chicago | # of attendees: 500+ | Type of attendees: decision-makers and innovators | Speakers | # of speakers: 100+ | Cost: $2199 – $3999
The Future of Insurance tackles the tough environment insurance industry executives pace and arms them with the ability to walk away from the event with a strategy. The conference features industry regulators sharing how execs can maximize AI. In addition, there are tech experts offering practical advise and executives.

This event is excellent because it provides attendees with tangible case studies to shape their strategies and learn from each other how to evolve with CX and AI.
Insurtech Insights

June 5 – 6, 2024 | NYC | # of attendees: 5K+ | Type of attendees: insurtech, carriers, reinsurers, investors, start-ups | Speakers | # of speakers: 50 | Cost: $1195 – $2495
InsurTech Insights is one of the country’s top insurance conferences. With a large list of attendees, a virtual who’s-who in the insurtech world, this is one of the best events to attend. The goal of the event is to gain valuable insights to help your organization, stay up-to-date on trends, expand your horizons, gain new information and network. At the event, you’ll meet thousands of the world’s top insurance leaders and connect with others in the insurtech community.

This year’s event includes discussions around AI, machine learning, the Internet of Things, blockchain, data analytics and emerging technologies. You and your industry peers will walk away with knowledge on the latest issues, new technologies, and a better understanding of what your business needs to do in order to compete.
Digital Insurance DIGIN

June 27 – 28, 2024 | Boca Raton, FL | # of attendees: 550+ | Type of attendees: solution providers and influential organizations | Speakers | # of speakers: 100+ | Cost: $695 – $2750
DIGIN is designed to help attendees level-up their knowledge when it comes to insurtech companies and the digital revolution. It serves as an experiential showcase of innovation and customer experiences carries need to deliver to compete. The next-gen insurance innovation event includes high-level think tanks, workshops, roundtables and much more. As a result, attendees leave with actionable insights to take back to their businesses and create a digital transformation playbook.

At the two-day event, topics covered include underwriting and tech, AI and fraud, claims, how carriers and innovative startups can partner, and beyond. We’re fans of this conference because of the unparalleled access attendees get in regards to interactivity and connections.

Sept. 22 – 25, 2024 | Denver | # of attendees: 1600+ | Types of attendees: insurance company leaders and boards of directors, future industry leaders, vendors and service providers in property/casualty | Cost: $400 – $1450
One of the mutual insurance industry’s premiere events, NAMIC celebrates its 129th annual conference in 2024. At this event, attendees learn about the latest issues impacting the insurance industry. Plus, the learn about what’s coming down the pipeline. The comprehensive agenda includes topics like AI in the industry, reinsurance market conditions, improving speed to market, challenges facing today’s independent agents and trends in cybersecurity. In addition, other topics include building codes and property damage-prone areas, effects of changing weather patterns, nuclear verdicts in insurance-related cases and much more.

This event is well-rounded and includes plenty of networking opportunities, as well as education, roundtables and more.
ITC Vegas

Oct. 15 – 17, 2024 | Las Vegas, NV | # of attendees: 9K+ | Type of attendees: insurance carriers, investors, startups/insurtechs, independent agents, brokers, solution/tech providers, group/employee benefits, LATAM attendees | Speakers: TBA | # of speakers: TBA | Cost: TBA
Held at Mandalay Bay, ITC Vegas bills itself as the world’s largest gathering of insurance innovation. This has all the hallmarks of an ITC event. It shares what’s new and next and gives attendees the opportunity to find solutions, create partnerships and network with the best and brightest. At ITC, the goal isn’t just holding an insurance event, it’s about moving the industry forward. And, that’s just what it accomplishes.

The event is still in the works in terms of agenda. However, you can expect an insurtech startup pitch competition, as well as informative and engaging panel discussions with industry executives. There will also be compelling keynotes, ample networking and more.
For more of our top picks for conferences and events across various industries check out our events page. Not sure which event would be of the most benefit for your business? Drop us a line and we can work with you to determine which is best.